Sometimes you may have an uneven wall surface so branded wallpaper might not be suitable. We would therefore print on to 3mm or 5mm foamex panels and apply them in sections to your display wall. We can even print on wood panelling or
di-bond if you prefer.
Todays working environment is very different from only a few years ago.That's why there has been a huge increase in demand for rebranding offices and workplaces for staff.We are expert at creating an exciting environment with full length wall graphics, desk branding, door branding, floor graphics and so on.
Glass vinyls are a very effective way of dressing up a window and are easily removable and changeable. All sorts of effects can be achieved with a host of different vinyl effects, perfectly installed by our in house team
Usually a forgotten area in the building the stairwell can be a great new way to deliver a message or an effect.